Things I do Online: Googlewhack

April 7, 2012 § 5 Comments

There is something addicting about a Googlewhack.  You start slowly but as you continue to whack it becomes harder and harder to stop.  With each keystroke you are a little more engaged, a little closer to your goal, a little more addicted. As your engagement level grows, your awareness of the passage of time diminishes.  You eventually look at the clock in shock realizing that you should have been in bed hours ago.  Similar to another popular whacking activity, you realize that you are all alone in a dark room feeling embarrassed and a bit depressed.  Welcome to the world of Googlewhack.


Googlewhacking is a term coined by Gary Stock in 2002.  The goal of Googlewhacking is to type two words into Google and have it return one search result.  The rules of the game are that both words must be real words and you cannot use quotations.  This game is as difficult as it is pointless.  It’s extremely unproductive and highly addictive; perfect for anyone using the internet.

Here are a list of successful Googlewhacks.  The catch 22 about a Googlewhack is that by posting you have a Googlewhack, you no longer have a Googlewhack.  Can you create a Googlewhack?  Here are my metrics so far.

Internet Metrics:

Time spent Googlewhacking: 2 hours

Successful Googlewhacks: 0


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